Wednesday 12 February 2014

Introducing the scoreboard for everything and everyone –

Did you Score Today –


Imagine if there was a place where everything and anything is rated based on its performance? How would it be? Say, if you need to purchase a product, join a school, go clubbing, go shopping or travel, you simply navigate to a website and check the ratings. How about your favorite celebrities? Think of a chance to rate them, their performances and their behaviors.

For sustainability, a business or an individual has to put up a brave and positive attitude to their potential customers or audience. That said, a negative review or worse, a stream of negative reviews is bound to bring down a business or personality. Having a central place where everything and anything is rated and given a score by a global audience is just one of the very amazing opportunities not yet presented to us. Let’s take an example. Several websites provide us with a chance to review the services of business operating in their fields. Talk of and what comes to your mind and mine is travel and tourism., or are known for rating builders and tradesmen. or for your digital electronics like your favorite headphones. for a good number of various products. also offers a good number of businesses to rate and review. However these are not all. Think of your favorite celebrities, your phone, your work place or company, sports stars, that ‘great’ politician you love so much, the universities, manufacturers, bars, restaurants or hoteliers? From the small estate where you live to the posh suburbs where presidents and businessmen live? How about your car, books, music or games?

Imagine the level of convenience that comes with having one place, one scoreboard, one website!

One place - where you simply log in and rate on anything that comes to your mind? A website where all and everything - cars, people, hotels, books, phones, bars, schools, think of anything- you can rate it here! I think that’s awesome! Introducing, where everything is made transparent, bare and quantified!!



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