Thursday 30 January 2014

So in the morning you log onto your Facebook account to check out your friends and see if you have any comments or messages, then you fire up Twitter to get the latest Celebrity gossip, views, tweets and connections. You may be just back from travelling, a holiday or a weekend away and you want to make your feelings known about a great or a bad experience. So you then log onto Trip Advisor.


The builder you used didn’t do the work he was supposed to while you were away so it’s off to, or Those headphones you brought didn’t work very well the sound was distorted and bad quality so you log onto one of the many Product review sites such as or or to let your view been known.


The company you dealt with had very poor customer service!

Now where could you go to report that?


Still you could go to to find another company close by which has received good reviews……


Moving home wasn’t easy either. It’s a stressful time at best.

The Estate Agents were great (surprise surprise) and held it all together so where the removal men but the solicitors were a different story!

They were very unhelpful and never returned my calls.


Is there a website I can rate all of them on?


If only there was a website where I could do ALL of the above in ONE place!


Where I could score everyone including friends, tradesmen, celebrities, sports stars, politicians.


Where I could score businesses such as the place I work, Universities, Manufacturers, Hoteliers, Restaurants and Bars.


Where I could score any products such as phones, cars, games, books, music!


A place I could go to compare different scores and attributes.

See recommendations from my trusted friends, work colleagues and others……


Well is this place! Best of all its Free to join!


At you can score and compare anything that makes up your world.


Any Person, Any Product, Any Business. Anything!


You can join in discussions, create reviews and get the latest gossip. All in one place!


Finally somewhere you can See, Read, Find and Score all in one place. is launching soon. – Did you score today?


Prelaunch Information please Email :



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